// About Roundwood //

Hi! I’m Emma, the face behind Roundwood Interiors. My mission in life is to improve people’s lives and well-being through the spaces they inhabit.

My vision is to improve everybody’s well-being through every single space that they enter! That is a big, big dream but I know first-hand how much difference our habitats can make to how we feel and live, everyone deserves to feel good in the space they’re in.

My mission is to create the designs that will make those spaces the very best that they can possibly be. This means carefully crafting those spaces to marry beauty and function in the perfect way for the people that use them and the way that they want to live.

My journey started way back in 2009. I was heavily pregnant with twins and had just moved into a new house to be in the right school catchment for my eldest daughter. I was in love with our old house and I really didn’t want to leave it but the schools just weren’t great and you do what you’ve got to do for your kids! We duly packed up our stuff and installed ourselves in our new home - a much smaller, cramped one. There was mould in the bathroom, grime in the kitchen, it was a funny layout and the garden was a long thin patch of essentially scrubby dead grass. The night we moved in I sat on the threadbare carpet and I sobbed, it was all just too much!

As we slightly uneasily settled in I slowly began to clean up that house and with every improvement I made I realised how much difference those little touches made to how I felt. So I know first-hand what a huge difference interiors can make to your mental health and well-being.

Well-being starts with the inside.

We know this to be true with what we eat, how much we move our bodies and mental health. Your home, your office, the shops and restaurants we inhabit are no different, a home that doesn’t work for the way that you live is like filling your body with junk food and ready-meals. It doesn’t feel good, and it doesn’t serve you. Making changes to the way we live can feel so overwhelming, it can be difficult to know where to start. That is where I come in.

I want you to work with me to take that weight off your shoulders. Let me guide you through the process of making your spaces work effortlessly, uplift and inspire you every single day. Get in touch with me today and let’s work together.